4 ways to Live Happily with Diabetes

4 Ways People with Diabetes Can Lead a Happy Life

When I was a little girl, my grandfather whom I loved very dearly, met with a serious road accident. There were 4 members in the car.

One of my uncles died on the spot. The others were rushed to the hospital to emergency wards.

The treatment started immediately for all, but the approach of treatment was a little different for my grandfather because he had diabetes.


That was the first time I heard the name “Diabetes”. I was in class 4. I thought of it as something really bad. 

My grandfather gradually recovered and we got to spend some beautiful years with him before he left for his heavenly abode for different reasons.


A few years ago, my father too was diagnosed with diabetes. I was heavy hearted.

I started reading and researching about diabetes. Now, I know for sure there are ways to lead a happy and healthy life even with diabetes.


Here are four ways people with diabetes can lead a happy life:



The right knowledge about a problem is the ultimate solution to any problem. We are living in the information age and there is an abundance of free flowing information around us. Let’s do our homework and educate ourselves about diabetes and how to control it effectively.

The right knowledge from credible sources empowers the patients to live better with diabetes. It is the key to stay happy .



In addition to healthy lifestyle changes like regular exercise and proper diet, effective diabetes management requires appropriate oral and injectable medications like Insulin.

Often people ignore the importance of medication and sometimes try to avoid injectables like insulin until it becomes a dire necessity but the fact is one can delay or even prevent diabetes complications if started early. Read more




Healthy Mind + Healthy Body= Healthy Life

Healthy Life = Happy Life”


A few healthy lifestyle changes can help in effectively controlling the blood sugar levels.

  • Eat healthy
  • Be active
  • Regularly monitor the blood sugar levels.


Avoiding starchy food, excess sugar and carbohydrates, simple exercises like regular walk, pranayam ( breathing exercises) and 15 minutes of yoga have really helped my father control his blood sugar levels.


This holistic approach adds happy years to life, reduces stress and improves productivity.


When a person is diagnosed with a certain medical condition, it is highly likely that he/she will feel sad about it. One of my uncles fell into depression after being diagnosed with diabetes. Stress and depression make the condition even worse.

In such a situation, caregivers who are in constant touch with patients can play a major role in uplifting the spirits of diabetics. Positive attitude and a positive vibe at your home can play wonders. 90 percent of the problems can be solved by reacting to it in a suitable manner and keeping your approach positive.

All caregivers should :

-Encourage healthy eating and an active lifestyle.

-Serve healthy meals and workout together

-Never nag or dictate a rule. Many things can be achieved with just Love.


Going out for a walk with my father is my favorite time. 

I am now married and we stay in different cities. We still walk at the same time and video call each other. It is our most happy time of the day.


My father says that diabetes has changed his lifestyle for good. He is happy and thoroughly enjoying this holistic way of living !


Diet, exercise, regular monitoring and adherence to medication are important factors in diabetes management. Empower yourself to live better with diabetes and today to be #MoreThanMyDiabetes. 




The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger. This is a part of the public awareness initiative supported by Sanofi India. Sanofi India bears no responsibility for the content of the blog. One should consult their healthcare provider for any health-related information. 









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  1. Diabetes is something that can be ignore. Healthy lifestyle with the right treatment is the key for better living. Thanks for sharing this article

  2. Most times people with Diabetes or caregivers make it a very tensioned situation but your tips will surely be of good help if followed by caregivers and diabetics.

  3. Diabetes is a very serious disease I’ve seen people suffer in my society . My father is diabetic too . I am surely telling him to read this this is so helpful. Yet he is working . Because of him at home everyone are living a healthy life .

  4. Diabetes is a serious health issue but again it’s all in our will and desire to deal with it. If we eat right and take care of our body, we can very well control diabetes….

  5. Personally I know of many people in my friend circle and family who have diabetes. I know that many people who live with diabetes find effective ways to control sugar and keep the craving low as much as possible. I feel everyone needs to lead a happy life and even those with diabetes can make healthy lifestyle changes to keep diabetes at bay.

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