Here’s what I found out when I got the flu shot 

Here’s what I found out when I got the flu shot 


As I sipped my coffee yesterday morning, I pondered over the current scenario and how history repeats itself. Did you know exactly a hundred years ago, the world was in a similar pandemic situation? 

Schools and businesses were shut, people were ordered to wear masks. A deadly strain of influenza killed over 50 million people. Since then, there have been more pandemics and the best solution to protect yourself is getting a vaccine!


Today, even as we are getting our covid vaccines, we must also make sure to not neglect the flu shot. I get mine every year and got it this year too.


Here’s what I found out when I got the flu shot

There are lots of myths around flu and the vaccines that protect us from flu. My doctor told me a few things that I am sharing here today.


  1. It is safe to get the flu shot: 

Influenza vaccination or the flu shot is recommended to be taken every year but amidst the current pandemic situation I had been particularly hesitant to go get the flu shot. However, my doctor reiterated that it’s a vaccine that has been tested and tried and taking a flu shot is entirely safe. 


  1. It is important to get the flu shot, even amidst covid

According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), between 140,000 and 810,000 people are hospitalized annually with flu. Both covid and influenza attack the respiratory system. The symptoms are also similar. Since influenza vaccines are available easily, the safest bet is to prevent what can be prevented. 


I consulted my doctor and was advised to take my flu shot. I was told that I can take the flu shot after a gap of 14 days from the covid vaccine.



  1. Flu shots for Kids: 

On the advice of my paediatrician, I got the flu shot for my 5-year-old too. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare says flu vaccination is desirable for all children between the ages of 6 months to 8 years.


According to newspapers, the third wave of covid is likely to impact children the most. That has got me very worried. As a mother, I think it’s a good idea to work on building our kids’ immunity, keep them safe at home and safeguard their health by taking the vaccines that are available and not be negligent with this. 

Best time to get your flu shot is now

The WHO has recommended that the Southern Hemisphere (SH) vaccine is the ideal vaccine for India. Influenza vaccination is most effective when local circulating viruses are well-matched with vaccine antigens for SH. Since the peak season of flu in the larger part of the country starts between mid-summer to monsoons, now is the right time to vaccinate against flu for effective protection.

Flu vaccine should be taken annually. However, getting vaccinated early for subsequent seasons is likely to be associated with reduced protection against flu infection later in the flu season, particularly among older adults says CDC. Protection fades over time, so not getting vaccinated with the vaccine containing the right seasonal strains may leave one more vulnerable. Vaccination can be done throughout the SH flu season, into September or later.

What happened when I got the flu shot 


On the advice of my doctor I got the flu shot last year and this year too. I am totally fine!


In these unpredictable times, doctors and medical experts are trying to do their best to protect us from covid. 


As responsible citizens, we can get the flu shots and prevent the risk of infection and help in bringing down severity of flu. This will help in decreasing the burden on the frontline workers and our healthcare department.


So just mask up, with all the necessary precautions! Go get the flu shot if you haven’t already!


We must # because flu is preventable with vaccination. 


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  1. This is much need post I was looking for. I had not have much idea about the flu shots and what to do at that time. Now I know, what I have to take and the precautions. Thanks for this article.

  2. Many thanks for the very informative post. I came to know many facts that are so essential to good health

  3. I have never taken a flu shot but after reading your post, I feel like I should. I didn’t know that one could take a flu shot even after the Covid vaccination. Great, informative post!

  4. My daughter is 7 and son is almost 2. I get them flu shot every year and suggest others parents to do the same. But most of them neglect it saying it’s not necessary as it’s not compulsory as other vaccines.

  5. Even we get the flu shot every year. My son got his booster shot this weekend. You are absolutely right we should prevent what can be prevented and vaccination is one of the best ways for sure.

  6. I made sure my kids take the shot but I didn’t take it this year. Thanks for telling that there should be a gap of 14 days after covid vaccination. will surely go for the shot now.

  7. Though I haven’t taken a flu shot, I know people in my family have. They have told me how beneficial it can be to prevent ill effects of flu.

  8. I had heard that it helps you by activating your immune system to make antibodies against particular strains of influenza.

  9. #preventwhatcanbeprevented This is very informative and clears many doubts about flu vaccination. Timely flu vaccination is much needed for kids. Thanks for sharing.

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